I Tried One of Your Recipes but It Did Not Turn Out. What Did I Do Wrong?

Troubleshooting specific issues is challenging as I’m not in your kitchen. I share only well-tested recipes, but mishaps can occur due to various factors. With more information, we can troubleshoot for a successful outcome next time.

Can I Substitute This Ingredient?

For the best results, I recommend using the specified ingredients listed in the recipe whenever possible. While I understand you may have dietary restrictions or lack a particular ingredient, substituting may alter the taste or texture of the dish without further testing. It could result in a mediocre outcome.

Can I Freeze This?

While I provide freezing instructions for some recipes, not all have been tested in this manner. Exercise caution and use your judgment when freezing and reheating.

What Is the Best Way to Store Leftovers? How Long Will This Keep?

I’m not a food safety expert, so I’m unable to provide specific advice. It’s best to rely on your judgment and comfort level for optimal food storage and shelf life.

Can I Use a Slow Cooker or Instant Pot for This Recipe Instead?

Exact conversion information is difficult without further testing. Use your judgment to adapt recipes for slow cooker or Instant Pot use.

Can You Share the Nutritional Information for This Recipe?

Please keep in mind that I’m not a registered dietitian, I try to provide approximate nutritional information. You can use online calorie counters at your discretion to confirm this information.

How Do I Sign Up for Email Updates to Stay Up-to-Date With Your New Recipes? Is the Subscription Free?

Sign up for free email updates here to receive new recipes directly in your inbox. Yes, it’s completely free!

I Signed Up for the Email Updates but Can’t Find a Specific Recipe. What Am I Doing Wrong?

Email updates are for select new recipes. To find a specific recipe, browse the recipe index or use the search bar. If needed, Google can also assist!

Can I submit a recipe for Your Site?

Yes, please use the submit recipe page to do so.

Can I Republish Your Photos and/or Recipes?

Unfortunately, without prior consent and written permission, republishing copyrighted photos or recipes is not permitted.